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Old 06-09-2011, 03:46 PM   #119
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episkopos: I'd much rather just change the maps. But then, I am a mapper.

Raynian: I agree completely but I think the problem is that the maps you are talking about are designed for that type of play. You could put in more chokepoints, respawn delays, objectives that take longer to do than touching a point, and slow down the game that way, but would people play it (no)?

KubeDawg: From what I hear, Steamworks is based entirely on whether the Valve guys are interested, and they aren't interested. The difficulty in patching isn't really getting the pathes out(though that does take time), it's feature creep and dev inactivity. We could use Desura for automatic patching, and might look into that. We could make the SVN public and have instant updates, but most of the time the beta is not ready for the public, as I'm sure you've seen.
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