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Old 05-30-2011, 04:19 PM   #51
D&A Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
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I'm gonna jump on this brain storming band wagon too I guess. I posted this suggestion ages ago, but I'm going to repost it.

The SG could be built on "magnetic disk". Default state is off, but when the engy gets close to it and presses his "use" button the disk turns on, and it hovers slightly off the ground and is "tethered" to the engy.

While tethered, the engy has the capability of dragging his sg around with him, it can go up steps and ramps, and if the engy goes up an elevator the sg can be pulled up with the tether alone (ie: it doesn't need to sit on the lift with the engy, it'll get pulled up through the air to the engy.

If the engy gets impatient and runs too far away without allowing his sg to keep up around corners or lifts, the tether does break, and the sg is anchored to the ground again.

While moving around the sg wouldn't work at 100% efficiently. But as soon as it stops moving it's back up to 100%.

I think this idea would solve a lot of issues with the sg being spammed to death by skilless nade spam as the engy would have the ability to move his sg out of harms way (only taking a decrease in efficiency in the process). It would also allow the engy to follow the flag as it's moving throughout his base, as that's another major problem, once the flag gets moved out of his "designated defending area" it's difficult to continue to defend the flag as bags aren't available, so he either has to destroy his sg and rebuild it as fast as he can in the new spot (many times failing to get it up to even level 2), or leave his sg, become somewhat less effective at defending the flag, and leaves his sg vulnerable to destruction from backdooring offense, which in that case he might as well have tried to rebuild it in the new location anyways.
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