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Old 05-10-2011, 08:58 AM   #256
Everyones favorite FreaK
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: England
Class/Position: Scout, Engineer and Sniper
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 17 Times
Maybe it was just a bad experience, but it was a Quakenet pickup that zE invited me to I believe, and I had no experience of pickups, so I played how I like to play. And they didn't like it.

But it only takes one bad experience to put someone off something, so the pickup community should probably be more accepting of new people to pickups.

That goes for the public community in general too, although I've found that with the public community, most of the time someone is new others try to help them and give advice as do I. I've been trying to teach everyone I can to do my little tricks on DropDown, concing up from the bottom to get the flag, and dropping down then concing back up after touching the flag, for example. I don't see very many people doing those techniques, mainly me, Panda and a few others. They are really effective though.

I also try to teach newer people how to Snipe efficiently, I don't really take time to aim when sniping, yet I see others taking lots of time picking a shot, which just ends up me killing them, I reflex snipe most of the time, taking less than a second to take a shot, which is a great technique to hit concing scouts and fast moving enemies. I want to create an army of snipers that only need to see half a second of an enemy to turn them into giblets , then I'll create a specialised match, with 8 of my reflex snipers vs 8 Scouts. Mwuahahaha.

But yeah, the public community is fairly decent.
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