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Old 03-13-2011, 08:43 PM   #13
The Crowbar Commander
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Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Excellent post, Bridget. I know I don't play as much as I should(don't have the time like I wish I did), but I have always tried to help out anyone I saw that was new to the game. I haven't seen one in quite a while. Although I will say that I have played pubs and clan matches(haven't seen the latter in a while either)... but pubs is where I find the most enjoyment.

I've been saying it for several years, show the new people how to play, and most of the time, they will try and play that way. Maybe part of the problem is the mentality of the people who, as you say, "get good and become an elitist asshole"(paraphrased). I hate to bring this up, but have you noticed this mentality not only in other games, but in real life as well? I certainly have. I'll even point at the NFL issue going on right now as an example.

Can we change it? I honestly don't know. I think it may be too deeply rooted in society, and carried over into "relaxation and fun" stuff like video games. Yes, the lack of player numbers really brings the problem into sharp relief.

If you have any ideas that we, in the community, can try and do(besides shooting the elitist people).... let's hear them.
I actually spend a lot of my time attempting to teach new players how to play. And those who are decent at FF, I attempt to help improve their game by showing them what I've learned. I'm not like most of the Elitist type's who gloat and tell people how bad they are. I take what I learn and spread it like butter.

And for some people, they believe I'm telling other's how to play the game. I only get involved when people ask questions. I don't immediately attack new players and tell them whats right or wrong. That's a little stupid haha!

As for an Idea, I heard something a while back about a training map to help players learn the fundamentals of the game. And before that there was a Fortress Forever Training School. It might be too late, but for those who actually stick around, and want to get better, I'd like to see those two things go into affect.

Last edited by eomoyaff; 03-13-2011 at 08:47 PM.
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