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Old 01-19-2011, 10:17 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Hammock View Post
Actually even though I agree with battery, (provided the story is true), I hate guns, espcially hand guns. It shouldn't be nescessary to own a gun for protection. If it weren't for the fact the US makes billions manufacturing and selling guns, or that people in "important places" are too easily corruptable to ship illegal guns into the country, or if a person doesn't feel their own government can protect them when they are being "persuaded" by bad people, there wouldn't be as big as a gun problem.

How would criminals have any guns if the government just stops allowing them?

This whole "I need a gun to feel safe cause criminals have guns" theory just blows my mind. But there's too much money involved in outfitting these criminals with guns, and the goverment isn't truly going to stop it, because they're part of it.

*Oh and someone asked why it doesn't seem to be as big a deal up here in Canada as it is down in the US. I believe the #1 reason it isn't is because our Canadian government doesn't make billions a year in gun trade. It's much easier to make a stand against guns when your pocket isn't being filled by the profit from them.

You didn't really respond to my post. I am questioning the fact that the article doesn't make sense, which it doesn't.

More to your point, I believe that "Criminals have guns" is a stupid reason to own a gun as well. In any realistic situation for myself owning a gun wouldn't help me avoid getting shot. However, it sin't this way everywhere. Some states and areas are far away from police. The problem with the argument however, is the logic in that the situation can be solved by two people shooting each other.

Ultimately, my real issue with removing guns from the population is simply that if we do so, there's no real evidence to show it would help. I think it would only distract people temporarily from the issue of gun violence and the violent sect of america would simply move to another weapon in order to cause harm. Since the core issue isn't with the weapon itself then taking that weapon away wouldn't make the problem go away. Instead of a shooting we have a bombing since it is incredibly easy to make a bomb these days. The information is also unfortunately available very easily.

As a nation our focus should be to solve the problem at the root and then expand rather than attack the symptom.
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