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Old 12-20-2010, 07:57 PM   #40
Pew pew ze beams
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Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
Except, where's the competition? The blue team captures five times, teams switch, red team captures five times, teams switch, and so on. That would be okay for like arbitrary play, but not for competition. Something that could be done is recording the time it takes a team to capture x number of flags, then switching teams and having the time it took count down. If the new offensive team can capture the same amount of flags in under that time, they win. If the other team holds them off, then that team wins. Then, they are on the offensive team next "round" to set the time standard.
I supose that way also works, and would be cool something like a anouncer or some text in midle of the screen sayng something like Team X won, and maybe give more points to the team that won, but that is only justyfied if theres global stats.

And about chef position I understand it I was 100% in favour of let play people whatever, thing is that majority of FF regular players play ctf ovd style anyway and people just playng random dm yard or sniping dm yard or whatever sometimes ruin the game for those who want to play it properly, but theres a alternative, make it a choice of server operators i would implement those luas in my server for sure, because 90% of players in my server just want to play it OVD style in ctf maps.

Last edited by zE; 12-20-2010 at 08:01 PM.
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