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Old 12-09-2010, 11:39 PM   #238
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Bridget, you've been told again and again that your suggestions are, on the whole, good ones. How much you play the game is not relevant to the quality of your ideas. This is true.

I don't know why or when you got taken off beta; I was not a part of that action. You said you were taken out because you can't/don't currently run the game. That seems reasonable to me, as the only reason anyone needs to be in the beta is to run tests. You are still free to make as many suggestions as you want, and I, at least, will judge them on their merits.

But then, in the past you've lied about what devs have told you, so maybe that had nothing to do with it. I would think the major reason you were taken off was your inability to refrain from bashing the devs and leaking proprietary information on the forums.

Playing games does not make one a good developer. Majesty applied for the position, he demonstrated a number of relevant skills, and expressed an interest in the game, and he seemed like someone we could get along with. That is all that is required to be a dev. I really prefer that he's not familiar with all the historical baggage attached to this game; it's all a liability and nothing should be immune from possible change.
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