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Old 11-21-2010, 07:29 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Just a note:

The reason people are willing to read you walls of text, Chilled, is because you don't constantly bash other players, the dev team, testers, server owners, etc... You form coherent arguements, make your point and back it up without stooping to flaming.

Someone else around here should take notes.
I form my arguments. Bashing people is merely done on the side. If you want to discredit my arguments because I bash people on the side of them, then that says more about your intellectual honesty than my own. Chilled does make a good point, and I made it before I came to this thread: No one else is speaking up, so I naturally become the loudest voice. This is why everyone thinks I'm trolling. It works on both sides of the aisle. If the community actually voiced the opinion they have of this game in private, my opinion wouldn't seem so vehement or extremist. And, ha ha, if the development team actually made their efforts visible, then people wouldn't see my proclamations of how inefficient the dev team is as trolling. They'd see it as the fucking truth.
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