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Old 11-21-2010, 12:17 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by Born_In_Xixax View Post
If you evade or finesse a sentry, good...probably one of the most fun things in the game. But if slip up and that senty *catches you* in its sights, it should be game over much more quickly, IMHO. With the current SG, you can waltz around unimpeded while it plinks away at you for a good long time.
This sets up a binary state of success/failure, which isn't very fun. Here's why. Say a sentry is easy to evade if you know how to do it. Then the sentry is a joke, and only newbies ever get killed by it. Your next impulse might be to make the sentry quicker, or smarter, to give more of a challenge. That just separates players into the super-skilled who don't get killed ever, and everyone else who gets raped all the time. Newbies will have to try again and again, and probably give up while complaining the sentry is OP.

I think our goal should be to make the engy and his sentry as powerful and reliable as any other D player. It shouldn't be the linchpin of any defense.
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