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Old 11-15-2010, 05:17 AM   #45
Ventry(Leo Wainker)
D&A Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Gametype: Capture the Flag
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Originally Posted by chilledsanity View Post
Well on other maps typically the way to avoid snipers is a pain in the ass and takes 3 times longer to get to the objective. You can swim in the canal on well, monkey, 2fort, dropdown, take the tunnels in shutdown2 and congestus, etc.
Pain in the ass doesn't mean wrong.
In all those map there are plenty of captures made and I mean plenty so, just what real problem is a sniper to get past? Sure he'll stop some attack runs for some players but, even if he/she's good can't and doesn't stop them all.

Originally Posted by chilledsanity View Post
I think the point here is that the class as it is doesn't make the game more fun and the sniper doesn't serve much of a function for CTF. Correct me if I'm wrong, but those side routes are intended as lesser patrolled routes that give the players a better chance of infiltrating unnoticed or a flag carrier wanting a less conventional route to escape. If a sniper is so good that those become the MAIN ways in, I don't think that helps the game much.
As far as I've seen this isn't anywhere near the problem Bridget has made it out to be. As I said plenty of captures are made on all of the aforesaid maps. Both primary and secondary routes.
Fun is also an individual taste. what is fun for me is not fun for you or Bridget or whoever. What is fun for you is not necessarily fun for me.

Originally Posted by chilledsanity View Post
I've very rarely seen anyone complain about a good sniper in-game (unless it's a hacking accusation). However, if a sniper is so good he has anyone in the yard dead to rights, I have noticed playercount to start dropping off the longer it's kept up and/or getting players that completely ignore the objective and make it their sole goal to kill said sniper over and over again. That IS one way to adapt and overcome, but I'm not sure what it contributes to the game.
The only player that I have seen that can snipe to the effect you describe is "the King" but, even then opposing teams still manage to capture so even he can be gotten past.
Snipers like him are rare.
If a player chooses to chase a sniper and not the flag then the sniper wins for his team. One less player attacking or defending. It's not the sniper who's "stupid" then. It's the player having a "sniper tantrum".

Originally Posted by chilledsanity View Post
Anyway, I'm pretty neutral on sniper actually since I mainly played AvD and he's never been a game breaker there. On the contrary, I think he's become far less significant in FF there. I remember plenty of dustbowl games on TFC where a sniper taking out a sentry or two was the way to finally topple an otherwise solid defense.
Would still be if sentries were more dangerous.

Originally Posted by Skillet View Post
Bridget can you please come play pickups with us in ff.pickup you seem like a really nice guy and knowledgeable about the game.
In fact that is a great idea as then pickup servers can leave out snipers in the server settings and you can play sniper free and Bridget can stop trying to ruin the fun for the pub players who don't agree with his "take" on the subject.
Bridget is like the FF Grinch.
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