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Old 11-07-2010, 03:20 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by MASH View Post
If you sit between your sg and the demoman, you can weaken, if not kill the demoman before he gets close enough to your sg to drop a mirv. Obviously, this is a different situation when you have three medics also trying to kill ur sg at the same time, but for 1 vs 1's (engie/SG vs demoman, a proactive engie should always win).
Speaking on both sides of the coin, I agree, thought it's a little deceptive. If it's a 1v1 of an engy v. a demoman, the engy will usually kill him and stay alive; but the demoman will also destroy the sg in the process. When I play O demoman and I'm out to destroy sg's, it's almost impossible to stop me from doing so unless there's at least 3 players defending the sg or else a very good sniper. I almost always take the sg out, though I usually die in the process. Alternately, when I play as engy and a demoman has a hard-on for my sg, your best bet is to dismantle your sg and move to a new location where he won't be expecting it. Once he discovers the new location, repeat. Relocating your sg after every time he shows up is a pain in the ass and isn't very fun, but it's about the only reliable way to keep your sg in play (short of having your team help you defend your sg, but how often does that happen).

Demomen can come in pretty rapidly and ones that are out for your sentry usually have their mirv primed ahead of time, so you usually won't have a chance to use an EMP before he's already delivered it. What I've seen happen most of the time is he'll come in, the engineer and the sg start firing on him, but it's usually not enough to push him back and prevent him delivering his mirv, although he'll probably die shortly afterwards.
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