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Old 10-25-2010, 08:30 PM   #93
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Posts Rated Helpful 3 Times
There is a couple of problems with the current flag run. The biggest being that scouts pretty much rule the game because they can make it from their base to the flags almost as quick as people can get into their own flag room.

Now to some that might not be a problem but you get 1 or 2 people good with concs and the round can be very quickly. Depending on if there is anything to block jumping up to get the 2 other flags in the middle then it can be all over even before the flags are released.

This very quickly drives people away, why, because even if they could set up a coordinated defense in the flag room, a scout is either already there or almost there on a single conc, then they use another conc to grab the flag and they are gone.

Now things might change with the next patch but going on the current patch here is my suggestions.

Limit to 1 scout and 1 medic on each side and start them off with only 1 conc. This either slows them down getting to the flag and getting away, or makes stop for the bag of concs, which again slows them down and gives the defense time to actually get a defense up.

Also the scouts and medics could spawn in the secondary spawn near the back of the base under the little bridge where there is a ramp.

Either one of those things would give the defense time to set up something.

Again by the time an engi gets to the flag area and starts to build an SG a scout is already in there taking the flag and its either stop building the sg and try to shoot or build the sg and hope the scout messes up and comes into range of the and doesn't just conc out.

Thats what my experience with flag run as been, people get frustrated and leave because the rounds are over so quickly because scouts come flying through even before a decent defense can be set up and thats with good players who are communicating well in a pub.
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