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Old 10-22-2010, 07:47 PM   #19
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Originally Posted by Ricey View Post
Really? OS X is overpriced? 34.99 is overpriced for an Operating System?

iPad is overpriced? But yet the HP Slate is 799?

iPod/Touch is over priced? But yet it's the best MP3 player out there? Zune is a POS.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned a specific Apple product, however, it's hard to argue there isn't a (large) premium on Apple brand products, for essentially the same components that your average consumer can pick up, but it's encased in a shiny case. Apple's success story isn't in it's superior products (because they aren't superior), it's their marketing. The iPod isn't even that great, and I bet you could barely name any other competing devices other than a Zune (made by Microshit, no wonder it sucks). Popularity =/= Quality.

All you have to do, is look at the specs of the newest iMacs, look at the price, and laugh. Anyone with basic hardware knowledge would know that Apple products are severely overpriced because of the Apple premium. They make the products at Foxconn where employees make pennies an hour and then overcharge you for putting it in a shiny scratched-aluminum case, toss OS X on it, and call it an iMac, when a similarly built machine, barring Apple's flare items would cost you maybe $600? Apple is a great company, no doubt, how else could they scam trendy hipsters into paying twice for comparable hardware, but come on Ricey, trying to debunk the Apple is overpriced claim by using OS X as an example is a joke. Often times major producers of electronic goods will take a loss on proprietary goods (For example, Sony loses money on every PS3 sold, but they more than make it up when they sell over-priced games) in order to reap legacy gains.
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