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Old 10-20-2010, 06:09 PM   #46
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With police officers it really depends on the are you're in. Not every area has corrupt police. Even areas were every person I've met swears up and down that the police are corrupt I've found that as long as you're respectful they're fair.

The best example of this is comparing stories a guy I worked with told me about his encounters with crazy, corrupt police officers, and then being directly involved in a situation with him and another guy. Myself and the other involved were calm, honest and respectful. The 3 of us were trespassing and got stopped. While we told the police officer everything about what was going on, gave him our info and the like, this guy with the problems just went on and on about how the three of us could take the cops easily if we tried. Said all we needed to do was attack at the right time and so on and so forth. I'm pretty sure if it weren't for us telling him to shut the hell up he would have gotten cuffed.

And extreme example, but ultimately, that guy brings down the rough reaction of officers on himself. Since every neighborhood I've been pulled over in I have to acknowledge that I was pulled over for a reason I can't say any police officer was corrupt. If you break the law, you pay the price, bottom line, and that doesn't make the officer a dirt bag.
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