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Old 10-19-2010, 05:02 AM   #23
Skanky Butterpuss
Beware the Hammer
Buffalo Butterpuss
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Fortress Forever Staff
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Class/Position: Sabotaging your shit.
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cross country is for faggots anyway. go out, get fucked up, and fuck 16 year old girls. tell your coach to eat your shit, then go to all the track meets and yell and make fun of the coach for having a shitty team when they inevitably lose all their meets. then find out where the coach lives, take pictures of her sucking her fat husbands tiny cock, and post them on facebook. then tell her that she has incriminating photos on the internet and the code of conduct states that she should be removed from coaching the team. all the while you are fucking a bunch of hot 16 year olds and getting drunk and enjoying life and not running long distances for some dumb ass high school team. i mean seriously, who gives a fuck about high school sports?
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Etzell: Skanky
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Etzell: They really are
Etzell: But even SAYING that makes me want to vomit
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