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Old 09-11-2010, 12:59 AM   #58
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I should stress that I'm not saying the lack of news updates is a good thing--far from it. I'm just giving reasons/excuses for why it is the way it is. We aren't trying to hide a lack of progress, and we're not ashamed of what we're doing. We are just weak in the department of community outreach. It is not as easy as it seems.

Kube: With Steamworks we are waiting for UI features and enhancements that will make the game more accessible to all players. We want to make a good first impression and not scare people off.

Chilled: I don't know why you don't apply for the beta. You have strong opinions about the current release that you've written about extensively, so I'd like to know what you'd think about some of the changes we have now. I'm inclined to think you wouldn't like most of them. However, rolling back to what we had previously isn't going to happen.
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