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Old 09-09-2010, 08:19 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by squeek
This is something we can do. But, as Bridget said/alluded to, we are testing a lot of weird/fun ideas at the moment and don't have much set in stone (hence the need for beta testing and feedback) and/or don't have the assets ready for the things that are further along. Once things are more finalized, it will be more feasible to let people know about them.
Well that's worth waiting to check out then and not judging prematurely. I've said before you guys either need to revert back to TFC more or else make a LOT of changes to fix things, it looks like you're opting for the latter. Sounds like FF may be taking more of a NeoTF angle, but hey, if it gets balanced and it's still fun, whatever works.

Originally Posted by squeek
But, Bridget, to want to villain-ize the dev team is absurd to me.
I don't know Bridget's agenda, but for myself, believe it or not, I'm actually not out to demonize anyone. All I really care about is the end result. Also it's not just one mistake I'm looking at it, I can understand how that can happen. But when we've had patch after patch that's made the gameplay balance systematically worse (2.4 being a minor departure, but still not a correction), the new dev team starts becomining the obvious antagonist.

When you can actively point to item after item 1.0 did a better job of than later patches up to the current version, that's a problem and it makes you guys look like the enemy, however good your intentions are. It's one thing to make a mistake. It's another thing to keep making more of the same kind of mistake with many pleading for you to stop making that same mistake over and over again with no change in sight.

Originally Posted by zE
Imo ff isnt that unbalanced, and I would hate to see a new TF2 extremely balanced that makes it no fun at all but anyway imo what ff needs is more plugins
You may be misunderstanding what we're saying. I'm talking about TFC-style balance, not TF2. In TFC, you had classes with great abilities and HARD counters for a lot of them. The right player could completely turn the tide for the entire team if he was clever / lucky enough. A coordinated effort was devastating, but good players could really shine. In TF2, EVERYONE gets dumbed down so that the individual player is crippled. A lot of the "balance" comes from the pace being so slow and abilities being so limited that the game can only move so fast, thus there's more time to correct itself. I'm not advocating that.

If you really think the balance is fine, my guess is you simply haven't played as much AvD as I have. Even when the teams are basically even skillwise, it's still a mess. The balance I'm talking about is not having dustbowl and palermo games where O wins 90% of the time when I play (on either side). Having avanti, ksour, cornfield, etc. games where O doesn't win all 4 cap points in 3-5 minutes. Having CLOSE GAMES.

Last edited by chilledsanity; 09-09-2010 at 08:21 PM.
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