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Old 09-09-2010, 04:51 PM   #20
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Originally Posted by Innoc View Post
So instead of actually discussing the points I raised you continue with statements that have no purpose other than falsely attacking my credibility and grasp of the concept in play...and you continue to beat away at something I neither said nor implied. If we can't clarify and gain agreement on exactly what was said...I think we're done here.

Btw, your post makes it very clear to me that you missed the point I was making and then went off on your tirade based on a wrong conclusion.
You're so predictable. Help help I'm a victim! This happens in EVERY THREAD you post in, someone comes up with an argument counter to yours, they provide considerable evidence counter to yours, then all of a sudden they're strawmanning you, attacking your character (when in reality, none of that is actually happening) and you just play victim.

What a joke.

The only person stopping you from debating is you. You came into my thread, spouted a complete falsehood, I called you on it, and now you're accusing me of stramanning you and missing your point.

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