Thread: The Mosque
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Old 09-08-2010, 12:04 PM   #97
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Originally Posted by Innoc View Post
Fact is there are plenty of examples of Islamic radical violence that has nothing to do with US Foreign Policy.
Right, extremists will always be extremists, but are you not understanding the correlation between our actions in the broader world, and the consequences (on our home soil, a la 9/11) of supporting the mortal enemy of these extremists? The entire Muslim world went toe to toe with Israel a couple decades ago, and lost. Obviously, on that front alone, supporting Israel is a very, very, very poor decision, many of these Muslim extremists live in a 13th century Machiavellian world, so naturally... we support Israel?

The incoherence is stupefying. Actions have consequences. Sure, muslims terrorize people from all over the place, and not just the US, but this is hardly evidence to the fact that America was just sitting there with it's hands folded and those big and bad evil Muslims attacked us because we wear blue jeans!

I also have a feeling that the Mujihadeen didn't like the fact that they were used as a tool by the CIA/US Government to fight the Soviets, and were quickly discarded once they served their purpose. Nor do I think that Iran appreciates us assassinating their democratically-elected leaders, installing a pro-US dictator, all to serve oil interests (Modern-day BP), who were fucking over the Iranian people.

Nope, they hate us because we wear blue jeans.

Last edited by GenghisTron; 09-08-2010 at 12:05 PM. Reason: spelling
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