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Old 09-04-2010, 05:20 AM   #10
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Rewrite your question in English and you might get a response.

Anyway, economists have always known that immigration has a net economic benefit. The reasons are obvious enough. The empirical research of the United States has been published in the scholarly literature for years now. But racists on the right have ignored it and have instead pandered to ideology. But the ideology of the right is misguided and their support for "free markets" completely hypocritical. In fact, economists have recognized this for a long time. If we go back to Adam Smith, he essentially recognized it's impossible to talk about "free markets" without the "free movement of labor." One cannot exist without the other. The latter is necessary condition for the former. Wrote Smith, "the policy of Europe, by obstructing the free circulation of labor and stock both from employment to employment, and from place to place, occasions in some cases a very inconvenient inequality in the whole of the advantages and disadvantages of their different employments….Whatever obstructs the free circulation of labor from one employment to another obstructs that of stock likewise."

So you can't have "free markets" without the free circulation of labor. Instead, however, the right has been working very hard to ensure that any semblance of free markets is destroyed in restricting the mobility of labor. President Clinton, in fact, went so far as to militarize the border in 1994 in what was called Operation Gatekeeper. That was, keep in mind, under the banner of "free trade" commonly referred to as NAFTA, which is an interesting name because only the "NA" part is accurate.

Now, I could talk a lot about NAFTA, but I don't want to digress too much. Suffice it to say there's a been a lot of work in this country to ensure that the circulation of labor is not free, i.e. that free markets don't exist. And that's all very purposeful. But the right champion "free markets."

One would think a simple task would be, well, simple. Maybe not for simpletons.

Last edited by uBeR; 09-04-2010 at 05:27 AM.
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