Thread: The Mosque
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Old 08-26-2010, 01:05 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Innoc View Post
Why do people so often assume this is a freedom issue? It isn't. I am unaware of anyone who's said they don't have the freedom to build where zoning and other restrictions allow.
No, there's no law against it, but enough people bitch about something and you'll be amazed how quickly politicians will give somebody special treatment.
I also don't believe for one minute that this is the only place in that area that has real estate available for them to build their place of worship. I believe that this site gives them the ability to attention whore in close proximity to ground zero. While there may be other reasons for their siting I believe this is primary for the choice. If there is any pretense of "living in peace" then they should build elsewhere.
Attention whore for what? Is this the kind of attention anyone would want? By the same logic, you could say don't build it in NYC at all. There are plenty of other cities where "they" could go, after all.

Why shouldn't they use the building they've chosen? Is there some kind of sensitivity radius, outside of which these protesters are perfectly fine with mosques being built?
I also find it interesting that, by and large, in a country dominated by Islam I seriously doubt that the Jews or Christians would be shown the same support by those of you who have and will attack my position.
Well those countries aren't America, are they? Let them worry about their own society and values.
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