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Old 07-26-2010, 09:56 PM   #31
Bridget's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Class/Position: Soldier
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It really baffles me how people just can't understand how having one exceptional long range class in a game full of classes restricted to closer ranges is out-of-place and broken. Ideal combat situations should have, regardless of individual strength or weaknesses, both players able to interact at their best. A Scout against a Heavy at close range is an easy win for the Heavy, but the Heavy's ability to interact at his best never once negates the Scout's ability to interact at his best no matter how piss-poor it is. Whereas, considering Sniper is an exceptional class that does well at all ranges, including long range where every other class is heavily unfavored, there's always going to be a damn scenario where the Sniper can interact at his best while his opponent can only interact at a tiny fraction of his best.

This is just a rehash of the locked Sniper thread. I really don't want to have to repeat the same fucking arguments over and over to people who will obviously never understand it no matter how persistent I am. Nothing's going to get done about this lame-duck class nor is this game coming back from the dead, so I don't see why I waste my time. If you guys want to snipe, go play fucking counter-strike. It's so sad when a generic class and stupid unfair mechanic available in any modern video game is ruining a unique game-mode that you can only get from a few dying sources.

You can enjoy playing the class with an unfair advantage. I'll continue playing classes that actually have to take a risk to get reward. I'll be reassured of my skill knowing my enemy could have killed me, but I actually bettered him through experience or faster reflex, instead of merely getting my kills handed to me because the people I killed in one-hit (another broken mechanic that doesn't inspire fights to be influenced by individual skill) were across the map unable to defend themselves at my level. HURP DURP

I'm done arguing. I can channel this toward something more productive, maybe somewhere where the development team isn't full of slackers who dance around problems trying to convince themselves and others there are no problems or whine about 'having to please two communities' while violating that rule and pleasing the minor community at the expense of the majority. Maybe wherever I take this, the development team won't spend patch after patch nerfing an already heavily underpowered class (Engineer) then go 'HURR WHAT? ENGY IS FINE." when the community rightfully complains. Maybe they won't try to rationalize the truth where I go with piss-poor explanations like "X is fine. You just suck. Play competitively." Maybe they won't say stupid shit like "Ha, that poll is unspecific. You would need about 8,000 more options. (which would only serve to make the poll more complicated and fuel the delusion that the community can't be sure about anything)"

In short, maybe, I can go somewhere else that doesn't suck.

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