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Old 06-29-2010, 11:17 PM   #5
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My opinions have changed a little bit. For the most part I still believe that if a private citizen wants a gun to protect his or her family they should be allowed. However, the wording in the constitution isn't ambiguous and does not grant the right to private citizens to carry weapons. It gives rights to a private militia to be formed, and its members carry weapons. However still, private militia's are a thing of the past and were they formed now they would likely be considered a gang by the police.

So, with the constitution needing some updating in this matter perhaps, I would venture to say that there should be some room for changes. The point of weapons and militia's in the past was to allow for the possibility of our people to revolt. That's not really the reason anymore. The reason now is to keep our loved ones safe as well as ourselves. Something that should be mentioned is location as well. For example, if I call the police, they will get to my house in about 2 minutes. That is faster than I could get a gun out of a safe and load it. Whether I'm slow or not is fair... but for my decision it helps. It doesn't make sense for me to own a gun. I could call 911 and hide out for long enough for the police to arrive. That is not the case everywhere in the country. Some people live very far away from their police, some people also do want to depend on their police for their survival.

I do think we should all be allowed to carry firearms with a permit. The purpose of this permit however, should be to verify that we know what we're doing. Those of you on this forum to do carry are more than likely confident your ability to use your guns. Are you, however, confident if everyone else? Mine perhaps? I can fire an air-soft gun pretty damn well but I've never fired even a hand gun. I want to though. But anyway, I've made all the points I can think of however I cannot think of a closing and this is already way too long. So I will abruptly stop.
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