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Old 06-09-2010, 01:14 PM   #33
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The orangebox argument gets old fast. The game isn't popular because it appeals to niche gamers not because it's on an specific engine. What changes when you port the same niche game to another engine? Nothing relevant to real success, that's for sure. It's still the same game that people don't like or can't integrate into just on a different engine.

Besides, the differences between engines seems more tailored toward the developers and not the player. Sure, stats would be cool, but who cares about stats in a game with no real fanbase? It's a waste of people's time and effort porting to orangebox as well as a massive delusion for anyone who thinks simply moving the same unappealing game to a slightly different engine will end up being the saving grace. This is especially true if you think it would compete with TF2. /rofl

Just let it go and move on. Seriously.
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