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Old 06-07-2010, 08:09 AM   #44
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The game doesn't have to be dumbed down to be enjoyed by casual or other inexperienced players. That's a common misconception. We can keep what makes Fortress Forever fun for the people still around while expanding upon it by giving beginners and the less inexperienced ways to compensate in their early days for the huge skill-gap. This includes movement tools with ease of use, intuitive grenades and weapons, just fun mechanics that make sense out of the box and don't require practice upon practice to keep up with everyone else.

The only problem is, any beginner-friendly suggestion or implementation gets frowned upon by the competitive community. Really, what other reason can I give for their response other than they want to perpetuate difficult mechanics so the 'line in the sand' is there by default? It's almost a Stockholm Syndrome for video games. The community has been exposed to poor implementations so many times, they've become tolerant of them and expect everyone else to do so too.

All in all, the game development doesn't have to go backwards to make Fortress Forever more appealing to players outside of the current niche. It can just as well make the same achievements moving forward. That's if nothing is in its way. :\
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