Thread: (Released) FF_Catharsis_b3 ( May 15th )
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Old 05-16-2010, 04:08 PM   #15
Beta Tester
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The other problem is that 2 sentryguns are an effective strategy. If the packs hold less metal and spawn slower, i think it will be definitely enough metal for 1 engineer, but not two. So your flagroom can still be held with 1 engi utilizing both packs and his dispenser( and teammates packs, and death bags ), but two engineers will be too slow to work. ( theoretically )
I wouldn't take this as a personal shortcoming, there are quite a few maps that 2 engineers is a viable strat if you have two competent engineers playing. I've seen 2 engineers lock down this map, and then the opposing team tried the same strategy and failed miserably. It could really go either way depending on the quality of the players.

I do hope that these changes will help assuage the overwhelming offense friendliness for this map and look forward to testing it out in pickups.
In Progress:
ff_sigma, ff_phantom, ff_cannon_classic
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