Thread: Big oil spillz
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Old 05-08-2010, 02:47 AM   #6
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Solar and wind don't work unless they're heavily subsidized by the Government. Just look at Spain. They had the worlds largest solar market, and it was almost entirely supported by Government subsidies. Now that they're facing a debt crisis, they had to drop 30,000 'green jobs'. Same thing here in the US, lots of Solar/Wind companies are going under because these technologies will never live up to the efficiency of coal. The best alternative (See: Only) to coal, is nuclear power plants, but people are too afraid (Like idiots) of having one 'in their backyard'. Of course the Chernobyl incident was huge... but that was a long ass time ago, and the standards and practices have changed, not to mention it was under the wildly inefficient Soviet Government.

Three Mile Island was an example of where the regulations worked. Sure, there was a meltdown, but all the security precautions were in place, and because of that, it's a safe place to this day.
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