Thread: iPod Tools
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Old 05-01-2010, 02:01 AM   #2
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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I'm not sure what you mean by ring tones, but I personally use Helium Music Manager. It's not specifically for iPods in any way, but the things you listed above that you wanted are integrated into the program. It is very easy to get album art with HMM, it automatically downloads relevant album art from so you don't have to manually do it, and if the automatic way doesn't work, you can do it manually if you so chose. The duplicates thing is easily solved with HMM, there are 'actions' you can perform with HMM, which are like scripts. You can completely customize the actions or use the default ones.

As for burning, I'm assuming you mean burning CD's? I've never used HMM to burn CD's, but I know it's integrated, so I can't really say much about that.

As for managing your iPod, I really like it a lot more compared to iTunes, but it's not perfect.
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