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Old 04-25-2010, 02:55 AM   #15
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Originally Posted by battery View Post
I concede that some kids will do drugs, cigarettes and steroids regardless of the consequences. However, the reality is that most kids are spineless and they are easily molded by their peers and mass media. We can protect them with such simple solutions.

For the more unruly teens, society can consider other strategies. Yes, it will be tough and costly, but these kids form a minority, fortunately.

My belief is that teenagers should not be given full freedom until they turn adults. Parents, in conjunction with the government, has complete responsibility and control over teenagers' behaviors.

Regarding adult abuser of steroids. They are adults, and they have votes. Every citizen must be prepared to defend his self-interests against democracy. Democracy allows more influential citizens to get what they want at other citizens' expenses. Democracy is not justice. America has chosen to elect a democratic from of government, so I do not feel morally wrong to take advantage of the system. I don't give a damn about steroid abusers, so I have no qualm throwing them into jail for personal choices like injecting steroids. I want my teenager to live in a society where steroid abuse is taboo and shameful. I don't mind drawing upon the power of democracy to accomplish this. Adult abusers have votes and therefore can defend themselves against people who think like me. The can take care of themselves. I feel no morally duty to consider their interests, as long as we insist on playing by democratic rules.
So you answered my question. You have no qualms with using FORCE to make society follow your ideal. That's pretty morally bankrupt, if you ask me.

I mean come on, you have no problem basically brain-washing kids into believing what you think is right? You're no different than the neo-cons who don't support equal rights for gays.
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