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Old 03-20-2010, 04:26 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by stray kitten View Post
You think medicaid doesn't work well and you want them to have absolute power over you healh care? Fix medicaide and add the small percentage of Americans that dont have healthcare onto it. Then take another step.

Evil is hard to define. A bad bill being shoved down my throat with cohersion from the power base that is corrupt is close to it.

Evil Examples
Why don't we call the new bill medicaid will that make you feel better about it? Reform is reform, you can change medicaid to account for its mistakes and then you'd have strong health care reform. The problem with medicaid is that it's old. Sure, a revamping would work, as long as it covered everyone without charging anyone I would be satisfied.

And I asked you to tell me why the bill was evil not what evil was. See, the bill isn't evil. It is an attempt to save the lives and the well being of many Americans who work hard every day for a paycheck but cannot buy health care. I think helping the people who need it isn't evil. Denying these people adequate reform for frivolous reasons is evil in my opinion. But I have no problem pointing out the opinion there. If you can take that bill and show me the parts of the bill that are evil I would be interested in hearing them, and if I can not refute or explain then perhaps I will join your cause in fighting the evil health care bill.
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