Thread: uTorrent 2.0?
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Old 02-12-2010, 10:52 PM   #10
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My highest speed I've hit with uTorrent is 1.5MB/s, not bad for a middle of the road option provided by my service provider, I'm not willing to pay $150 for the top of the line service when all they do is upgrade your download speed and don't touch your upload.

Stupid cable provider only offers different packages with increased download, 5Down/1Up, 10Down/1Up, 15Down/1Up, 25Down/1Up.

I have the 15Down/1Up atm, and I'd spend some more cash if they ever offered a higher upload speed, but they don't, so screw that. I find with the 15Download I'm far more often than not restricted to the speed of whomever I'm downloading from, and never because my end can't handle it.

Atleast they've never bitched at me for too much downloading, there are times where they kill my ip and I have to power down my modem and reboot it and start going again, but that's about it.

Last edited by Hammock; 02-12-2010 at 10:54 PM.
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