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Old 02-07-2010, 05:41 PM   #2
Eon Seig
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Florida
Class/Position: Pyro Scout Soldier / Offense
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You may not realize this, but the FF Pyro is actually the closest that the class has ever come to having real depth and skill. The only good thing about the TF2 Pyro is the compression blast, which allows him to reflect projectiles.

The Pyro needs mobility for one reason: gaining advantages. A Pyro without mobility and movement ability is not a good offensive unit. What good is he if he can't catch up to his targets? The best way to kill with the flamethrower is to open with the IC and then jump over people's heads with the jetpack push. Then you float over them, blinding them with fire, and confusing the hell outta them. Then just drop an Incendiary Grenade on top of them and that equals a win. This is highly effective at killing HWGuys, the Pyro's #1 enemy at point blank range. It isn't so good against Soldiers, who usually win before the Pyro gets into range. The flamethrower is a weapon that requires maneuvering to be effective, but some classes can limit that maneuverability.

And why would you compare the flamethrower to the railgun? They are completely opposite weapons. The Railgun is like the Engineer's own personal sniper rifle. If you want good comparisons, compare the Assault Cannon or the RPG to the flamethrower. They are more similar in terms of range effectiveness, and the Assault Cannon is essentially a flamethrower that throws bullets.

Let's look at the good things about the Pyro, which should be maintained in the event that any changes are made to his depth or playstyle.
  • 3rd fastest class (Pyro Push)
  • 3rd most heavily armored class
  • One of the most vertically mobile classes. (Jetpack+frag jumps)
  • Class with the highest air control.
  • Highest maneuverability in close range engagements.

Beyond this, let's ask a simple question. Does the Pyro have more or less depth than the Soldier, the class which is most similar to him? No one ever complains about Soldier. Everyone always thinks he has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game with the most versatility. What does he do?

Get close. Fire rockets. Bounce people around. Use splash if they are around corners. Use shotgun when low on rockets. Rocket jump. GET L33T H4XX0R AIRSHOTS!

Stuff like that.

What does Pyro do?

Get close. Shoot rockets and spam fire. Outmaneuver enemies with jetpack tricks. Drop Incendiary Grenades for lvl 3 burn. Use shotgun when out of effective range. Pyro Jump.

When you compare, the Pyro is basically a Soldier with more range limitations, more movement options, and a damage over time.

Last edited by Eon Seig; 02-07-2010 at 06:01 PM.
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