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Old 02-06-2010, 08:49 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Professional View Post
And how can we define "real science"?
Well, you can't test it for one. You can observe data all day long, but we aren't able to recreate the data because of the obvious constraints surrounding it.

The only comparable thing to this is evolution... except we can test that.

So, ignoring that, there are other problems with MMGW. One such problem is the lack of peer review, which is where a lot of the faults of MMGW are being found in. That is to say that upon review of the data, faults, inaccuracies, and complete fabrications have been found. Everything from code that gives rigged results to changed data, to absolute bullshit have been found.

The biggest issue is the politicization of the science. Science has no role in politics and politics has no role in science.

With that said, it's up in the air whether or not MMGW is true or not. The evidence is very damning against it and those that promote it clearly have political and economic agendas to fulfill.
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