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Old 01-21-2010, 10:01 PM   #77
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I just don't see it happening then, I can't think of a way that the sniper could be changed to be usefull in a pickup while still keeping his current useless traits (relative to competitive play) in tact.

The competitive scene is too anal about what classes are played. Take the pyro for example, they hate the class, absolutely hate it, there's soo much hate for it that the devs could buff the hell out of it and make him stronger than the HW+solly combined, and he would still be raged on for being used in a game.

I think there's enough hatred for the class that, that it feels like they could make the pyro an exact clone of the soldier, trait for trait, ability for ability, but just call it pyro, and he would still be refused acceptance, there's no logic behind that but "pyro" is unacceptable.

The sniper sorta fits into that category.
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