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Old 01-21-2010, 07:59 PM   #194
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Inside of your Computron
Class/Position: O/D Sniper, D Engy, D Soldier
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Affiliations: s^., :e0:, -=[$D$]=-, -AA-, +SUF, .20, [AH(S)]-r, [ . ]-r
Posts Rated Helpful 5 Times
Originally Posted by FEDOR View Post
And just lol at King saying Aardvark is not a good example sniper map, yet that is the one he always votes for. Sometimes he even rage quits should a map he will most likely die consistently on be picked. Fucking hypocrites.
I'm really trying hard not to post here again because I've heard all of these arguments and just generally try to stay out of this kind of stuff... but did you read my post? I actually said that Aardvark is the ideal example of a sniper map. How did you get that mixed up? Gonna have to work on that there literacy buddy

Originally Posted by TheKing View Post
Second, all classes have particular maps that are ideal for their particular skill set. If aardvark is your only major example for the sniper then I think I can live with that.
And yes, when the server goes to a map I don't enjoy I generally leave.. I don't personally like 'fun' maps or trimp maps.

CRAP now that I'm already writing you've gotten me to throw in one more post

Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
Some players refuse to play Sniper, because they see it as a loser's class.
Who's fault is that?

Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
The difference is that when a Soldier gibs you with a rocket or a Pyro converts you into a pile of ash, it is as the result of effort and skill. Minimal effort (shoot someone once uncharged) is required for the huge benefits of radio-tag and legshot. You don't earn those. They punish people for bypassing the Sniper.
You absolutely earn those. Bypassing even a good sniper is a relatively easy task for a good scout or medic. You are punished for getting shot; there's no punishment for getting past unharmed.

Sniping a scout out of the air absolutely takes skill and IMHO the sniper requires the most aim and reaction of any class. Try to reduce it to 'just point and click', but in the end it's a computer game and any class can be reduced to those sort of terms. As a final point on this topic, consider the huge skill differential between the few very best snipers and the ton of mediocre snipers (it's gigantic).

Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
There is an obvious and expectant pattern amongst the classes. Every class except the Sniper is really limited to close or medium range. He's out of place here. Those 'examples' you mention all take place within close range, where the classes are expected to have a fair opportunity.
There is an obvious and expectant pattern among all of the classes and each class breaks it in some way (that's why there are unique classes.. you just happen to pick range as your factor here).

Every class except the spy is unable to cloak and effectively hide - there isn't a good defense for running past a cloaked spy and getting stabbed in the back. In the same way that you have to get close to a sniper to kill them (which isn't necessarily true) you have to be able to notice a spy to counter them (IMO it's harder sometimes to find a good spy than it is to get close to a good sniper).

Every class except the engineer can't utilize buildables (and EMPs!). Every class except the scout and medic are relatively slow. Every class except the pryo is unable to deal multiple damage to you. Every class except the medic is unable to deal continued damage to you until you die. The demo has a ridiculously powerful timed detpack. All of the classes break the pattern in some way - for a sniper, it's range.

Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
I don't get enraged when I land on a Demoman's pipes and get blown to bits, because I could have avoided that.
I hadn't thought of it myself, but this is an excellent example. There is absolutely no difference between trying to avoid a sniper and trying to juke a demoman. You have no real control over their timing, you can only hope to throw them off. So if you're not enraged by the demoman but are angry when you get sniped.. there seems to be something off there.

Originally Posted by Sidd View Post
If you use circ's suggestion of only charging shots while zoomed
That's why I don't play TF2.. that shit is lame. I would also be really disappointed with the glorified railgun that some of the people have brought up in these forums...

Anyways I'm gonna try really hard to stay out of this for the duration...
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