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Old 01-21-2010, 02:08 PM   #185
Green Mushy
Fortress Forever Staff
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It should also be noted that when players interact in other areas of FF, the situation is defined by the skill of the players. When a medic and soldier fight, their fight, no matter how good one or the other is, is always a struggle. Their "dance" of shooting and avoiding rockets is determined by both the players. In the interaction between a sniper and a player, the skill is entirely in the hands of the sniper. The player throws some juke moves, but ultimately, the player is just HOPING that he doesnt get shot. It doesnt matter how good somebody is. If u dodge rockets, you see them coming, you have a chance to dodge them, and you have feedback as to where u went wrong, which one hit you. In a sniper/player interaction, there is no feedback as to what u did right or wrong, what to do better next time, if you even effected him at all, and if your moves even changed the outcome of you being hit.

Projectiles only fix part of the problem. Players can dodge them, but the projectiles will come indefinitely. There is no way to stop the sniper, and the sniper always has the ability to keep shooting you without dying or risking anything at all.

Last edited by Green Mushy; 01-21-2010 at 02:10 PM.
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