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Old 01-13-2010, 04:59 AM   #49
Join Date: Mar 2007
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couple problems with the illustration. engy's railgun is only slightly less effective compared to the sniper rifle range wise and speed wise. and the diagram in no way shows the snipers complete lack of effectiveness in close range. also in what way does that diagram mean effectiveness? if it is speed then the shotguns are just as effective as the sniper rifle long range, if it means accuracy then the nailguns, rocketlaunchers, and railgun are as effective at long range, and if it means damage then the railgun and to some degrees the rocketlauncher are as effective at long range. the only advantage the sniper has is that it is good at all of those long range, but good at nothing close range.

in all honestly it comes down to if the game developers (squeek etc) want a stop check in the yard, a reason for someone to think before they move, if the the game is designed for speed and speed only and the fastest way to the base is the only way to the base mentality, then the sniper has no place and should nvr had been put in the game to begin with. honestly think back to the creation of this game? what was the point of the sniper? was it simply because other games did it before this one? or was there actually a reason for it?

it really comes down to what kind of game do the developers want.
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