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Old 01-11-2010, 04:12 PM   #25
Join Date: Mar 2007
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you make it sound like every sniper has no problem juggling everyone of those draw backs simultaniously, while being hated and chased after by the enemy team. each one of those faults by itself, sure no problem. but all of them. for example.

I am sniping on the battlements as snipers do '90% of the time' say the map is arddvark. im killing lots of people. i see a solider running towards me from across the yard. i charge up and fire, first shot misses (-poor hit detection), i fire a second quick shot doing little dmg (-1 shot-recharge), its a leg shot, 5 seconds of ez kill right? wrong, cuse he's good and he rocket jumps his way right to me. but im zoomed in and i lose him in the air while rocket jumping. (-less sight while aiming) he lands, i find him shortly after but legshot is worn off and he's getting close (-short legshot time), he is now to close to effectively snipe, he climbs the ladder and he is on the battlements. freeze this moment in your head if you could. my options are to cook a grenade most likely not doing enough dmg for a kill(-no special grenade), pray my last charge'd shot hits, or run which i hate. so now what happens. well the distance is almost face to face and the solider clearly has the advantage (-only useful long distances)i have my one charged shot, i have his head lined up perfect, about to let go and fire, until a rocket hits my feet (-only class that can't fire and jump), i pop up, fire, nothing happens. i now have my lone cook'd granade, but once i land from the rocket the second rocket has already left the lancher and im dead (-low armour and hp). end of story.

cute story right? happens every fucking day to me, by multiple classes, it is impossibly easy to kill a sniper, any player with half a brain can do it. one missed shot (happens more often then you think) and thats it, the sniper is toast. play your classes properly and the sniper becomes a horribly under power'd class... or just keep walking out of spawn the exact same way you have been the last 12 spawns and let me pop you in the head for the 13th time i could care less either way.

fact is these are problems that the best snipers have to deal with, and it limits the class greatly, to the point that one shot half a yard a way can decide the snipers life. don't dismiss them because good snipers make them look non existant. every sniper has to deal with them, that is why there are so few dominating snipers, but lots of good ones.
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