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Old 01-11-2010, 03:11 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Etzell View Post
Wasn't fired.
If you remember the campaign process at all, there was a lot of buzz about Obama not being "too black" to elect, or whether he was "black enough". Time did a piece on it.

There's a difference between a comment like that and the "Barack the Magic Negro" song.
Or sending out a picture of Obama like this:
That no one really got in any trouble for.
Originally Posted by uBeR
What Etzell said. I thought it'd be fairly obvious. I would think there would have to be willful ignorance to even raise the question.
I'm trying to understand why you and uBeR feel that it is significant to Harry Reid that prior individuals, like an aide and an L.A. times report made comments that are inappropriate. Can you explain to me how you relate these individuals actions to those of Harry Reid? How should their actions and the reaction of their bosses be taken into account when deciding what should happen with the leader of the United States senate?

Should those individuals have lost their jobs?

Aside from that, back to the topic, I'm talking about the things like is currently being reported on Drudge and a few other sites: CBS '60 MINUTES IGNORES HARRY REID 'NEGRO' REVELATION DURING INTERVIEW WITH 'GAME CHANGE' BOOK AUTHORS...

That is not journalistic integrity, it's turning a blind eye.

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