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Old 01-09-2010, 03:56 PM   #16
Bridget's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
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I don't believe I am anything more than a physical form. All the things that make my conciousness and thought process and identity and personality and interests work are physical at the core of things. I don't believe we're as dynamic as we like to think we are. Our brains are nothing more than organic computers trying to figure out how best to survive. The brain does a damn good job at it. Do we consider the choices and pick one or does the brain subconsciously consider them survival values and picks one that it thinks will best perpetuate itself? Aside from one exception (suicide) I can see how every action subjectively morally holy or bankrupt can be favored over others for survival. Maybe the serial killer isn't aware, but his brain has him believe that killing a dozen people will lead to his own better survival. I don't know, uh. . .

But, why does it do that? The brain? Why does a seemingly unconscious Tarantula sometimes fight to the death to protect its offspring packaged in an eggsac? Is there a reason? Shit, maybe I'm deluded myself with the presupposition of reason or purpose. I don't know. My brain isn't wired to know. I am less ignorant than an oblivious cow chewing grass, but still ignorant on the whole. We are so preoccupied with 'this answer' yet have we really sat down and thought about whether or not we understand 'the question' well enough to jump ahead to the answer? Shit, man. No.D:
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