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Old 12-26-2009, 01:42 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by Dr.Satan View Post
b/c that only works when the messenger isn't fighting for the cause. If cat's had just posted the link and stated how sucky it was, then yeah I'm sure she would not have been attacked so much. But she didn't. Also, she advertises that she is a voice actor and a dev b/c of that (or so I'm assuming), which means that she isn't just a messenger, but a part of the source. If I said officially that FF was going to be moving to Orange Box, and then it didn't...people would be pissed at everyone on the staff and not just me for saying it. But that also means that she has insider info about it, and could give a bit more info. I doubt anyone is saying give us everything they are working on, but even a list on what is needed still would be something. But instead she's very coy and doesn't really give out anything, yet still wants to fight for the cause.

And ultimately, her giving up...just proves that it is indeed vaporware. And I'm glad that I haven't been following this thing from inception.

Also though, Bridgett brings up a great point.
I don't recall her ever saying she was a dev.... just a voice actor. As for inside info.... don't you think they have the same kind of "don't give shit away" clause that the FF team does?

She's not giving up on the mod.... just on telling about it here.
Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
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