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Old 11-26-2009, 12:06 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Rutabeggar View Post
I'm pretty sure that the majority of you are missing the point. This isn't about limiting the server owners to a certain player slot number, this is a dichotomy of what dictates a robust FF experiece. Large amounts of players on a small map, DMing it out or an objective based game, with smaller number of players, actually teaching people the objectives of the game. If it's a CTF map, it should be played as such. If it's an ADV/ADZ map, it should be played as such, correct? This is also a separate issue between classic maps, and new maps. Should they be larger? Are the maps being developed for the community suitable for the current 22 player server limit? You're missing the point. It isn't about taking anything away.

I would feel cheated if my server was suddenly unable to support the amount of players that I was accustomed to. This is the same kind of thing that pissed off so many people about Modern Warfare 2. I don't feel the answer is in limiting the max players on the server.

I do realize that my server traffic would improve by the displaced players, but would still feel cheated that if I wanted to have a large playtest of a map, that I could not due to limitations imposed on me because the game isn't being played how it's "meant to."
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