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Old 11-24-2009, 10:33 PM   #1
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Max Player Discussion

I would like to pose a question to the community, primarily those who run their own servers. Obviously this is the viewpoint of one player, but I would encourage others to weigh in on the matter.

I have noticed that many maps designed for FF are not designed with the 22 max player allowance in mind. Most maps have very cramped flag rooms and or bases in general. In most servers, CTF turns in to a OvD affair and combating an 11 man defense, half of which sits in the flag room is an impossible task. I was wondering why does it have to be a 22 max player allowance? Why not lower it to say...16? You could populate more servers, especially during peak hours, it would lower FPS lag problems in large large LARGE spammy DM battles, and it may be more conducive to the community selecting different servers to play on and populate. With this, you could even have specialty servers that play ADZ or AvD maps only, CTF only, or on a rotation. Anyway, just a suggestion I'd throw out there for discussion.
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