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Old 08-11-2009, 04:53 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by WarPig View Post
OK OK I get it now because I suck at O thats the only reason I wish to compete if a larger size match.

No first of all I didn't fucking flame you or anyone so back off me that wasn't needed. I ENJOY LARGE MATCH UPS, god forbid I voice my opinion or try to make it more clear to someone what I meant or what I wish to achieve.

3 fucking seasons or not , do you give up after 3 losses or do you keep trying ?

I see no reason in starting a league myself when the option was there on what the league was looking to do, correct me if I am wrong but thats what this was over to begin with. I voiced my opinion and we had a discussion/debate over what will work what won't.

I'm sorry I wasn't involved in FF in the time some of you spent in a league trying to make it work, I'm sorry im not as awesome as you are at the game. But I did my time in Fortress gaming, and I know a lot. Along with being a admin when UGC formed up, I have helped and been around the block. I will continue to help, and I am trying best I can now. Cutting me down because you don't like my view or opinion was childish.
It's got nothing to do with your view or opinion if you said it once, but repeatedly saying it after everyone has already told you it's not going to work is getting annoying, you can say it 50 different ways if you want, it's not going to make a difference.

This thread was about a 4v4 league, preaching about 5v5 doesn't belong here.
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