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Old 07-29-2009, 04:52 AM   #113
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People are always sorry once they get caught. If only I could link you all to the UGC Admins Forums, the excuses are a mile long and the apologies are even longer. Yes people can learn, but the only way they do is by sitting out for a bit. If this were a UGC ban there would be a bandate and a review once the ban expired, provided the player doesn't do anything in the meantime to extend the ban. However, I agree with squeek on this, the ban should be enforced. No matter how sorry he is, he did it and he should be banned for it.

Now do I think it should be a perma In my personal opinion, this just shows that there needs to be a banlist created, and a system developed to maintain it. And that there should be a standard set forth with guidelines and rules etc. made (if there isn't already). But, that's not up to me. I didn't create ff.pickup nor do I maintain it. And if squeek feels that the ban should be permanent then that's his prerogative. But 100% I support the ban.
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