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Old 05-28-2009, 11:42 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2009
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WTF are you talking about when anyone mentions tf2 in any context theres always a negitive responce.

You guys bitch all the time about tf2 and valve.
Also playing in servers its just one big fuck tf2 and valve all the time always people arguing over tf2 and FF.
Whenever anyone mentions tf2 its always "this isint the forum to discuss tf2" or something like that like its some disease.
And then comes this "you'er crazy" "you need to smoke more weed" "wtf are you talking about" you know exactly what im talking about.

Look at iggys first line of his replie....
My friend, you are not bringing up TF2 to make comparisons and put FF down.... so no one should hate on you.

You cant even mention tf2 without being spit on in FF servers and alot of times in this forum.

Maybe this should have been a topic on its own but I was trying to make a point that the video he was showing was just an aid to help maybe bring some insight into the FF player models not everyone who mentions tf2 is compairing them.

Theres more I could say but if you cant understand my point then I dont know what to tell you.

Also, I like you guys im not hating on you I just want to see people lay off the tf2 and FF argument.Lets start to get along with people that play tf2 its not all that bad to agree that tf2 isint that bad of a mod or game whatever the fuck it is.

Last edited by Molester; 05-28-2009 at 11:50 PM.
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