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Old 05-19-2009, 04:24 PM   #126
Beta Tester
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Background - yeah, gay isn't it.

Like this guy said

Once past that, it goes to starting Windows where you have the wallpaper with the little bird and other graphics. Well, that's all I got, that and a working mouse pointer. I went to another computer to start looking for answers on the Web. I then hear the DVD spin up and back down, but still nothing.

After a good 5 minutes, I look over and it's at the point where you select your country, keyboard layout, etc. I click next and it's back to waiting . . . Things got faster once I got past the "expanding files." Configuring settings, etc., went at about normal speed.

I have Windows loaded now and it's running fine. In case I have to install again, I went ahead and burned another copy at slow speed (4x), although I don't think it's the DVD.
It did seem to be working just...seemed like unnormal. Because it just hangs at those points no activity from disk or drive.

I burnt it off on an a new fresh DVD+RW. I will burn it off on a DVD+R just for the hell of it and see what happens. Though the disk was verified at end of burn.
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