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Old 05-01-2009, 01:55 PM   #8
Retired FF Staff
Join Date: Mar 2007
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To answer the original Q...

I think in its actual state, FF is dead. Here are some flaws in order of importance that I think are responsible for this:

- Gameplay is way too fast
- Having to bhop to compete is annoying
- Spam is omnipresent
- Our models animations suck and are hard to tell apart
- Lag kicks in pretty fast with action
- You spawn/die too often, gets repetitive, your life has no real value
- Unwritten rules are required to enjoy the game for some

The market has changed since the TFC era, and FF is offering the same gameplay as TFC but to todays gamers.
Of course TFC was the shit for several years but now it got surpassed by better games, better adpated to what gamers of today want.
I would love to see this team take a completely new direction and let go this old gameplay. We could always leave FF working like this and start a new branch with the OB conversion. If FF was more like TF2 and would actualy compete, we could do some amazing stuff with lua and maybe have a game that's even more popular than TF2. For example, I think the carnival map would be totally insane in a TF2 environment. TF2 is nice, but could be so much better with all the fun games that we could pull off with lua...

All in all, I think what I'm saying is we should port FF to OB, remove bhop, reduce speed, leave nades but reduce the amount, make new models, give the medic a medigun, leave concs in but reduce their power. Then start making awesome fun maps with lua power! Heh... in my dreams.
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