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Old 03-16-2009, 04:17 PM   #25
FF Whiner
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Class/Position: D Engy, D Soldier
Gametype: Capture the Flag
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Being an admin means you can't get shot at. No wonder what the reason, we are god and should behave as much. Being a bastard operator from hell (Bofh) is all about power abuse, kicking and banning players that are way better then you and the occasional kick for no reason at all to show everyone our awesomeness !

About the part of you not trusting me, tough luck. How about the phraze "My community, my rules"?


Oh this is so going to backfire on me
"What are you? Stupid? Stop spamming the spawn." to which I replied "It's not spam, you fucking moron.
Spawncamping is bad. Spamspamming is equally bad. Although we did enforce that rules quite harshy at the beginning, (to which you are referring no doubt?) the rule got removed from the list later while we admins see the light and noticed being an absolute spawnspamming whore is well within the limits of fun gameplay! Though I believe quite a lot of us still ban you for it!

Moron right back at you for spamming it! You don't like it, stay out, join other servers, don't care about it. People play at our server because they like their rank stuff and (mostly) use plain common sense.

Hope that helps you understand us lame admins a bit better!
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