Thread: (WIP) FF_Casbah Continued
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Old 02-26-2009, 02:01 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by xks View Post
I posted without reading the whole thread, I glanced at most of it and read the last two pages before I posted.

Only one person really mentioned the walls being a little bland but not in the way I did. Another person mentioned about the floor which I thought was absolutely fine. Someone else mentioned about some form of directions, which I agreed with.

I'm not trying to criticise your map in a negative way, I think it looks fantastic and I've enjoyed running around it looking at all the things you've added to it. I feel the more opinions from the community you get about a map you've created the better.

You can get annoyed at what I wrote or take it as yet more praise and thoughts on a map you've created. Surely it's better that people are interested and post their views than no one seeming to care?

It's a big map for most of us and we all liked it so you're bound to get a lot of opinions on it. If the new Rock2 and Badlands turn out as good as this then we can all be very pleased.
I was more talking about the signs. I'm getting tired of people complaining about them. There are no suitable signs for the map and I'm not able to make them. If people want signs for the map, they can make them and I'll add them.

As for the walls and floors, they're staying the way they are. This is a remake of casbah, and as such it should resemble the original casbah, not go way off and add super-detailed walls, insane and ridiculous curves or other such nonsense.

I realize I'm being an ass, but this map has brought me a great deal of headaches, letdowns and anger. I just want to be left alone and people stop bugging me about it.
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